วันพุธที่ 5 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2557

WS Week 5 I went to Khao Kho with my family


                       I went to Khao Kho with my family.                                                                           


        Today, I will write about the BUUIC holiday in last semester because I miss my family. In last holiday, I was very happy. I went to Khao Kho in Phetchabun with my family. Before I would get destination, I visited my uncle in Phichit. My family and I congratulated my sister that she has gotten Bachelor from Naresuan University. I wil go to Khao Kho tomorrow. We have 10 people in the trip that have my uncle’s and my family. We had arrived Khao Kho in the afternoon. We offered Praboromthadjedee Golden Pagoda. We stayed at Rock Terrace Resort. It’s a beautiful place. It has famous of cold and fog in early morning. I need to see the fog that I got up in early morning. It’s fantastic. I love it and I will come back again.

